What are the shipping charges?

Whenever you purchase an item through our website, you’ll receive free shipping in India.

When will my order arrive?

Our goal is to ship all orders within 24 business hours and customized carpet is 7-10 business days. The estimated delivery time may differ depending on the product, ranging from next-day delivery to a maximum of 14 business days after placing the order. You can find the estimated delivery time on the product detail page.

During sale periods with a high volume of orders, there could be a delay of 5-7 days in delivery.

How do I check the estimated delivery date for any product?

The estimated delivery days for the product can be found on its detail page if you enter your delivery pin code.

What is the process for confirming my order?

The following notifications will be sent to you via email once the order has been placed successfully:-

  • Email order confirmation
  • A text message confirmation of your order

What is the process for cancelling an order?

You can cancel your order by calling us on (+91) 8851247380 or email us at – support@carpetstrends.com. If you wish to cancel your order, you must do so prior to the shipment being dispatched.

You should receive the refund through the original method of payment within 48 business hours of canceling the order.

Is there any hidden cost?

All duties and taxes are included in the listed prices.